+44 (0) 1189 724002 | 07767 870295 
Lodge End, Tokers Green Lane, Kidmore End, Reading, Berkshire RG4 9EB 


When the authorship of a document is disputed, the Handwriting Expert will perform a scientific comparison of the disputed document against a handwriting specimen of known authorship. Both similarities and differences will be identified and an expert opinion provided on the authenticity of the document. Questioned document cases may include signatures on Wills, handwritten anonymous letters, figures and handwriting on cheques, Agreements and Contracts. Despite dependence on computers for communication, the complexities of handwriting and signatures will always exist in varying degrees on every type of document. Every questioned handwriting case is unique and each individual instruction is reviewed objectively in an effort to reach a satisfactory conclusion. 
Signatures will frequently differ from a person’s handwriting, displaying an individual style and manner of execution. A scientific comparison of a disputed signature against a verifiable specimen can provide important evidence of authorship. The legibility of a signature is not as significant as the author’s repeated consistency. 
Graphology is founded upon the careful and minute examination of a ‘writing system’ of which there are many throughout the world. These are a defined set of graphic signs used to represent units of language through structured, specific and conventionally accepted rules. They record messages and ideas, words or sounds, used for human communication with everyone familiar with the encoding procedure. Braille as a tactile system being the exception. 
Known Signature (1) 
Disputed Signature (2) 
Signature 2 is a poor attempt at copying (freehand) Signature 1 


Natural Handwriting - the following sample reveals:- progressive, no nonsense/deals with essentials, correct, balanced, slight reserve, intuitive, intelligent, quick thinker, gets ideas, broad outlook. 
Unnatural (but original) handwriting - the following sample includes:- original outlook, creative, does not conform to set pattern, likes to be observed, can enlarge on small matters, controlling, more diplomatic than friendly. 
Small handwriting - the following sample includes high intelligence, academic mind, careful, concentrated type of brain, adaptable, accurate, quick grasp of facts, broadminded. 
Large handwriting - the following sample includes:- boldness, determination, good judgment, firm, sociable, warmth, need for praise and encouragement, slight vanity. 
Immature 40 year old Female - the following sample includes:- discipline, steadiness, simplicity of outlook/non-complicated, considerate but lacking in maturity and intelligence. 
Mature 16 year old female - the following sample includes:- independence, maturity, intelligence, can make and take decisions, practical, ability to concentrate. 
Loops –UPPERLOOP - The following sample includes:-Idealistic and strong spiritual leanings coupled to vision and imagination plus intelligence and clarity of mind, cautious nature and some reserve. 
LOWER LOOP - The following sample includes:- a practical person, money motivated, and with firm pressure pen pressure, strength connected to outdoor sport. 


Questioned document work involves expertise, precision and exactness.The document examiner thoroughly investigates questioned documents in order to draw conclusions about the documents. This includes verifying the authenticity of documents, including erasures and indentations and any other problem that arises concerning written documents. He/she then testifies as to the genuine or spurious nature of these documents.